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Citation: A RESTful API for exchanging materials data in the consortium. Computational Materials Science, Volume 93, October 2014, Pages 178-192. Richard H. Taylor, Frisco Rose, Cormac Toher, Ohad Levy, Kesong Yang, Marco Buongiorno Nardelli, Stefano Curtarolo.


DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2014.05.014

Mandatory Keywords


  • auid

Description: “AFLOWLIB Unique Identifier” for the entry, AUID, which can be used as a publishable object identifier1).

Type: string

Example: auid=aflow:e9c6d914c4b8d9ca

Request syntax: $aurl/?auid


  • aurl

Description: “AFLOWLIB Uniform Resource Locator” returns the AURL of the entry. The web server is separated from the web directory with “:”. This tautological keyword, aurl returning itself, is useful for debugging and hyperlinking purposes.

Type: string


Request syntax: $aurl/?aurl


  • data_api

Description: “AFLOWLIB” version of the entry, API. This article describes version 1.0 of the REST-API.

Type: string

Example: data_api=aapi1.0

Request syntax: $aurl/?data_api


  • keywords

Description: This includes the list of keywords available in the entry, separated by commas. All of the keywords can be requested to the database. The request keywords should be the first one made, so that the reader is made aware of the available keywords.

Type: List of strings separated by “,”

Example: keywords=aurl,auid,loop,code,compound,prototype…

Request syntax: $aurl/?keywords

Optional Controls Keywords


  • aflowlib_entries

Description: For projects and set-layer entries (see Figure 1 of the REST API paper2)), aflowlib_entries lists the available sub-entries which are associated with the $aurl of the subdirectories.

Type: Set of strings separated by “,”

Example: aflowlib_entries=AgAl,AgAs,AgAu,AgB_h,AgBa_sv,AgBe_sv,AgBi_d,AgBr,AgCa_sv,

Request syntax: $aurl/?aflowlib_entries


  • aflowlib_entries_number

Description: For projects and set-layer entries, aflowlib_entries lists the available sub-entries which are associated with the $aurl of the subdirectories. By parsing $aurl/?aflowlib_entries (containing $aurl/aflowlib_entries_number entries) the user finds the further locations to interrogate.

Type: number

Example: aflowlib_entries_number=1524

Request syntax: $aurl/aflowlib_entries_number


  • aflowlib_date

Description: Returns the date of the AFLOW post-processor which generated the entry for the library. This entry is useful for debugging and regression purposes.

Type: string

Example: aflowlib_date=20140204_13:10:39_GMT-5

Request syntax: $aurl/?aflowlib_date


  • aflow_version

Description: Returns the version number of AFLOW used to perform the calculation. This entry is useful for debugging and regression purposes.

Type: string

Example: aflow_version=aflow30641

Request syntax: $aurl/?aflow_version


  • author

Description: Returns the name (not necessarily an individual) and affiliation associated with authorship of the data. Multiple entries are separated by commas. Spaces are substituted with “_” to aid parsing.

Type: List of strings separated by “,”

Example: author=Marco_Buongiorno_Nardelli,Ohad_Levy,Jesus_Carrete

Request syntax: $aurl/?author


  • calculation_cores

Description: Number of processors/cores, maximum memory, total time used for the calculation.

Type: number

Units: adimensional

Example: calculation_cores=32

Request syntax: $aurl/?calculation_cores


  • calculation_memory

Description: Maximum memory used for the calculation.

Type: number

Units: Megabytes

Example: calculation_memory=8376.13

Request syntax: $aurl/?calculation_memory


  • calculation_time

Description: Total time used for the calculation.

Type: number

Units: seconds

Example: calculation_time=140713

Request syntax: $aurl/?calculation_time


  • corresponding

Description: Returns the name (not necessarily an individual) and affiliation associated with the data origin concerning correspondence about data. Multiple entries are separated by commas. Spaces are substituted with “_” to aid parsing.

Type: List of strings separated by “,”


Request syntax: $aurl/?corresponding


  • data_source

Description: The layered structure of AFLOWLIB adapts to serve and translate data presented in other open databases. If this is the case, the source and language (API) of the data are given with these two keywords. When using non-AFLOWLIB data, due diligence is required to recognize the authorship of the original work, and not the serving database, merely.

Type: strings

Example: data_source=aflowlib

Request syntax: $aurl/?data_source


  • data_language

Description: The layered structure of AFLOWLIB adapts to serve and translate data presented in other open databases. If this is the case, the source and language (API) of the data are given with these two keywords. When using non-AFLOWLIB data, due diligence is required to recognize the authorship of the original work, and not the serving database, merely.

Type: strings

Example: data_language=translated

Request syntax: $aurl/?data_language


  • loop

Description: Informs the user of the type of post-processing that was performed.

Type: List of strings separated by “,”

Example: loop=thermodynamics,bands,magnetic

Request syntax: $aurl/?loop


  • node_CPU_Cores

Description: Information about the node/cluster where the calculation was performed. Number of cores accessible to the calculation.

Type: number

Example: node_CPU_Cores=12

Request syntax: $aurl/?node_CPU_Cores


  • node_CPU_MHz

Description: Information about the speed of the node/cluster where the calculation was performed.

Type: number

Units: MHz

Example: node_CPU_MHz=2661

Request syntax: $aurl/?node_CPU_MHz


  • node_CPU_Model

Description: Information about the model of the node/cluster where the calculation was performed.

Type: string

Example: node_CPU_Model=Intel(R)_Xeon(R)_CPU_X5650_@_2.67GHz

Request syntax: $aurl/?node_CPU_Model


  • node_RAM_GB

Description: Information about the total memory accessible to the calculation in the node/cluster where the calculation was performed.

Type: number

Units: Gigabytes

Example: node_RAM_GB=48

Request syntax: $aurl/?node_RAM_GB

  • sponsor

Description: Returns information about funding agencies and other sponsors for the data. Multiple entries are separated by commas. Spaces are substituted with “_” to aid parsing.

Type: List of strings separated by “,”

Example: sponsor=DOD_N000141310635,NIST_70NANB12H163

Request syntax: $aurl/?sponsor

Optional Materials Keywords


  • agl_acoustic_debye

Description: Returns AGL acoustic Debye temperature. The acoustic Debye temperature is the Debye temperature obtained by integrated only over the acoustic phonon modes. It can be obtained from the traditional Debye temperature using the expression \theta_{a} = \theta_{D}n^{-\frac{1}{3}} .

Type: number

Units: Kelvin

Example: agl_acoustic_debye=492

Request syntax: $aurl/?agl_acoustic_debye


  • agl_bulk_modulus_isothermal_300K

Description: Returns AGL isothermal bulk modulus at 300K and zero pressure.

Type: number

Units: GPa

Example: agl_bulk_modulus_isothermal_300K=96.6

Request syntax: $aurl/?agl_bulk_modulus_isothermal_300K


  • agl_bulk_modulus_static_300K

Description: Returns AGL static bulk modulus at 300K and zero pressure.

Type: number

Units: GPa

Example: agl_bulk_modulus_static_300K=99.59

Request syntax: $aurl/?agl_bulk_modulus_static_300K


  • agl_debye

Description: Returns AGL Debye temperature.

Type: number

Units: Kelvin

Example: agl_debye=620

Request syntax: $aurl/?agl_debye


  • agl_gruneisen

Description: Returns AGL Gruneisen parameter.

Type: number

Units: dimensionless

Example: agl_gruneisen=2.06

Request syntax: $aurl/?agl_gruneise


  • agl_heat_capacity_Cv_300K

Description: Returns AGL heat capacity at constant volume (CV) at 300K and zero pressure.

Type: number

Units: kB/cell

Example: agl_heat_capacity_Cv_300K=4.901

Request syntax: $aurl/?agl_heat_capacity_Cv_300K


  • agl_heat_capacity_Cp_300K

Description: Returns AGL heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp) at 300K and zero pressure.

Type: number

Units: kB/cell

Example: agl_heat_capacity_Cp_300K=5.502

Request syntax: $aurl/?agl_heat_capacity_Cp_300K


  • agl_thermal_conductivity_300K

Description: Returns AGL thermal conductivity at 300K.

Type: number

Units: W/m*K

Example: agl_thermal_conductivity_300K=24.41

Request syntax: $aurl/?agl_thermal_conductivity_300K


  • agl_thermal_expansion_300K

Description: Returns AGL thermal expansion at 300K and zero pressure.

Type: number

Units: 1/K

Example: agl_thermal_expansion_300K=4.997e-05

Request syntax: $aurl/?agl_thermal_expansion_300K


  • ael_bulk_modulus_reuss

Description: Returns AEL bulk modulus as calculated using the Reuss average.

Type: number

Units: GPa

Example: ael_bulk_modulus_reuss=105.315

Request syntax: $aurl/?ael_bulk_modulus_reuss


  • ael_bulk_modulus_voigt

Description: Returns AEL bulk modulus as calculated using the Voigt average.

Type: number

Units: GPa

Example: ael_bulk_modulus_voigt=105.315

Request syntax: $aurl/?ael_bulk_modulus_voigt


  • ael_bulk_modulus_vrh

Description: Returns AEL bulk modulus as calculated using the Voigt-Reuss-Hill (VRH) average.

Type: number

Units: GPa

Example: el_bulk_modulus_vrh=105.315

Request syntax: $aurl/?ael_bulk_modulus_vrh


  • ael_elastic_anistropy

Description: Returns AEL elastic anisotropy.

Type: number

Units: dimensionless

Example: ael_elastic_anistropy=0.000816153

Request syntax: $aurl/?ael_elastic_anisotropy


  • ael_poisson_ratio

Description: Returns AEL Poisson ratio.

Type: number

Units: dimensionless

Example: ael_poisson_ratio=0.21599

Request syntax: $aurl/?ael_poisson_ratio


  • ael_shear_modulus_reuss

Description: Returns AEL shear modulus as calculated using the Reuss average.

Type: number

Units: GPa

Example: ael_shear_modulus_reuss=73.7868

Request syntax: $aurl/?ael_shear_modulus_reuss


  • ael_shear_modulus_voigt

Description: Returns AEL shear modulus as calculated using the Voigt average.

Type: number

Units: GPa

Example: ael_shear_modulus_voigt=73.7989

Request syntax: $aurl/?ael_shear_modulus_voigt


  • bader_atomic_volumes

Description: Returns the volume of each atom of the primitive cell as calculated by the Bader Atoms in Molecules Analysis. This volume encapsulates the electron density associated with each atom above a threshold of 0.0001 electrons.

Type: String of numbers separated by ','

Units: Angstroms3

Example: bader_atomic_volumes=28.1396,25.6828,25.6828,77.1826

Request syntax: $aurl/?bader_atomic_volumes


  • bader_net_charges

Description: Returns the partial charge per atom of the primitive cell as calculated by the Bader Atoms in Molecules Analysis.

Type: String of numbers separated by ','

Units: electrons

Example: bader_net_charges=0.6828,0.6577,0.6577,-1.9982

Request syntax: $aurl/?bader_net_charges


  • ael_shear_modulus_vrh

Description: Returns AEL shear modulus as calculated using the Voigt-Reuss-Hill (VRH) average.

Type: number

Units: GPa

Example: ael_shear_modulus_vrh=73.7929

Request syntax: $aurl/?ael_shear_modulus_vrh


  • Bravais_lattice_orig

Description: Returns the Bravais lattice of the original unrelaxed3) structure before the calculation.

Type: string

Example: Bravais_lattice_orig=MCLC

Request syntax: $aurl/?Bravais_lattice_orig

Tolerance: Calculations of lattices (Brillouin zones), prototypes, and symmetries (point/factor/space groups) are based on different algorithms and require different sets of tolerances. To guarantee self-consistency of the results, initial tolerances are set to very stringent values (e.g., 10-4% for distances, 102% for angles, 10-4% for spectral radii of mapping matrices, etc.) and slowly increased alternatingly (by a factor of 2) until self- consistency is found amongst geometrical descriptors. The final tolerances are usually of the order of ~0.5% for distances and ~1% for angles.


  • Bravais_lattice_relax

Description: Returns the Bravais lattice4) of the relaxed structure after the calculation.

Type: string

Example: Bravais_lattice_relax=MCLC

Request syntax: $aurl/?Bravais_lattice_relax

Tolerance: Calculations of lattices (Brillouin zones), prototypes, and symmetries (point/factor/space groups) are based on different algorithms and require different sets of tolerances. To guarantee self-consistency of the results, initial tolerances are set to very stringent values (e.g., 10-4% for distances, 102% for angles, 10-4% for spectral radii of mapping matrices, etc.) and slowly increased alternatingly (by a factor of 2) until self- consistency is found amongst geometrical descriptors. The final tolerances are usually of the order of ~0:5% for distances and ~1% for angles.


  • code

Description: Returns the software name and version used to perform the simulation.

Type: string

Example: code=vasp.4.6.35

Request syntax: $aurl/?code


  • composition

Description: Returns a comma delimited composition description of the structure entry in the calculated cell.

Type: List of number separated by “,”

Example: composition=2,6,6 (For a A2B6C6 compound.)

Request syntax: $aurl/?composition


  • compound

Description: Similar to composition. Returns the composition description of the compound in the calculated cell.

Type: Set of {string number}

Example: compound=Co2Er6Si6

Request syntax: $aurl/?compound


  • density

Description: Returns the mass density.

Type: number

Units: grams/cm3

Example: density=7.76665

Request syntax: $aurl/?density


  • dft_type

Description: Returns information about the pseudopotential type, the exchange correlation functional used (normal or hybrid) and use of GW.

Type: Set of strings separated by “,”

Example: If the calculations were performed with VASP5), the entry could include “US”, “GGA”, “PAW LDA”, “PAW GGA”, “PAW PBE” , “GW”, “HSE06” (February 2014).

Example: dft_type=PAW_PBE,HSE06

Request syntax: $aurl/?dft_type


  • eentropy_cell

Description: Returns the electronic entropy of the unit cell used to converge the ab initio calculation (smearing).

Type: number

Units: Natural units of the $code, e.g., eV or Ry (eV/atom or Ry/atom) if the calculations were performed with VASP or QE, respectively.

Example: eentropy_cell=0.0011

Request syntax: $aurl/?eentropy_cell


  • eentropy_atom

Description: Returns the electronic entropy per atom of the unit cell used to converge the ab initio calculation (smearing).

Type: number

Units: Natural units of the $code, e.g., eV or Ry (eV/atom or Ry/atom) if the calculations were performed with VASP or QE, respectively.

Example: eentropy_atom=0.0003

Request syntax: $aurl/?eentropy_atom


  • Efermi

Description: Fermi energy of the system.

Type: number

Units: eV

Example: Efermi=-4.5

Request syntax: $aurl/?Efermi


  • Egap

Description: Band gap calculated with the approximations and pseudopotentials described by other keywords. This quantity is determined by tracking the valence band eigenvalue occupancies. For spin-polarized systems, this is the net gap (the gap between the highest occupied state for either spin and the lowest unoccupied state for either spin).

Type: number

Units: eV

Example: Egap=2.5

Request syntax: $aurl/?Egap


  • Egap_type

Description: Given a band gap, this keyword describes if the system is a metal, a semi-metal, an insulator with direct or indirect band gap.

Type: string

Example: Egap_type=insulator_direct

Request syntax: $aurl/?Egap_type


  • energy_cell

Description: Returns the total ab initio energy of the unit cell E.

Type: number

Units: Natural units of the $code, e.g., eV or Ry (eV/atom or Ry/atom) if the calculations were performed with VASP or QE, respectively.

Example: energy_cell=-82.1656

Request syntax: $aurl/?energy_cell


  • energy_atom

Description: Returns the energy per atom- the value of energy_cell/N.

Type: number

Units: Natural units of the $code, e.g., eV or Ry (eV/atom or Ry/atom) if the calculations were performed with VASP or QE, respectively.

Example: energy_atom=-5.13535

Request syntax: $aurl/?energy_atom


  • energy_cutoff

Description: Set of energy cut-o s used during the various steps of the calculations.

Type: Set of strings separated by “,”

Units: Natural units of the $code, e.g., eV or Ry (eV/atom or Ry/atom) if the calculations were performed with VASP or QE, respectively.

Example: energy_cutoff=384.1,384.1,384.1

Request syntax: $aurl/?energy_cutoff


  • enthalpy_cell

Description: Returns the enthalpy of the system of the unit cell H = E + PV.

Type: number

Units: Natural units of the $code, e.g., eV or Ry (eV/atom or Ry/atom) if the calculations were performed with VASP or QE, respectively.

Example: enthalpy_cell=-82.1656

Request syntax: $aurl/?enthalpy_cell


  • enthalpy_atom

Description: Returns the enthalpy per atom- the value of enthalpy_cell/N.

Type: number

Units: Natural units of the $code, e.g., eV or Ry (eV/atom or Ry/atom) if the calculations were performed with VASP or QE, respectively.

Example: enthalpy_atom=-5.13535

Request syntax: $aurl/?enthalphy_atom


  • enthalpy_formation_cell

Description: Returns the formation enthalpy $\Delta H_F$ per unit cell ($\Delta {H_F}_{atomic}$ per atom). For compounds $A_{N_A}B_{N_B}\cdots$ with $N_A+N_B\cdots=N$ atoms per cell, this is defined as: $\Delta H_F \equiv E(A_{N_A}B_{N_B}\cdots)-\left[N_AE(A)_{atomic}+N_BE(B)_{atomic}+\cdots\right]$ (in the \verb|_atom| case with $A_{x_A}B_{x_B}\cdots$ and $x_A+x_B\cdots=1$ we have $\Delta {H_F}_{atomic} \equiv E(A_{x_A}B_{x_B}\cdots)_{atomic}-\left[x_AE(A)_{atomic}+x_BE(B)_{atomic}+\cdots\right]$).

Type: number

Units: Natural units of the $code, e.g., eV or Ry (eV/atom or Ry/atom) if the calculations were performed with VASP or QE, respectively.

Example: enthalpy_formation_cell=-33.1587

Request syntax: $aurl/?enthalpy_formation_cell


  • enthalpy_formation_atom

Description: Returns the formation enthalpy $\Delta H_F$ per unit cell ($\Delta {H_F}_{atomic}$ per atom). For compounds $A_{N_A}B_{N_B}\cdots$ with $N_A+N_B\cdots=N$ atoms per cell, this is defined as: $\Delta H_F \equiv E(A_{N_A}B_{N_B}\cdots)-\left[N_AE(A)_{atomic}+N_BE(B)_{atomic}+\cdots\right]$ (in the \verb|_atom| case with $A_{x_A}B_{x_B}\cdots$ and $x_A+x_B\cdots=1$ we have $\Delta {H_F}_{atomic} \equiv E(A_{x_A}B_{x_B}\cdots)_{atomic}-\left[x_AE(A)_{atomic}+x_BE(B)_{atomic}+\cdots\right]$).

Type: number

Units: Natural units of the $code, e.g., eV or Ry (eV/atom or Ry/atom) if the calculations were performed with VASP or QE, respectively.

Example: enthalpy_formation_atom=-0.720841

Request syntax: $aurl/?enthalpy_formation_atom


  • entropic_temperature

Description: Returns the entropic temperature as defined in Curtarolo et al.6) and Hart et al.7) for the structure. The analysis of formation enthalpy is, by itself, insufficient to compare alloy stability at different concentrations and their resilience toward high-temperature disorder. The formation enthalpy represents the ordering-strength of a mixture $A_{x_A}B_{x_B}C_{x_C}\cdots$ against decomposition into its pure constituents at the appropriate concentrations $x_A$, $x_B$ $x_C$, $\cdots$. ($\Delta H_F$ is negative for compound forming systems). However, it does not contain information about its resilience against disorder, which is captured by the entropy of the system. To quantify this resilience we define the entropic temperature for each compound as:

T_s(A_{x_A}B_{x_B}C_{x_C}\cdots)\equiv\left\{\frac{\Delta H_F(A_{x_A}B_{x_B}C_{x_C}\cdots)}{k_B\left[{x_A} \log ({x_A})+{x_B} \log ({x_B})+{x_C} \log ({x_C})+\cdots\right]}\right\}, \end{equation*}

where the sign is chosen so that a positive temperature is needed for competing against compound stability. This definition assumes an ideal scenario8) where the entropy is $S\left[\left\{{x_i}\right\}\right]=-k_B\sum_i{x_i}\log ({x_i})$. $T_s$ is a concentration-maximized formation enthalpy weighted by the inverse of its entropic contribution. Its maximum $T_s={\rm max}_{phases}\left[T_s(phases)\right]$ represents the deviation of a system convex-hull from the purely entropic free-energy hull, $-TS(x)$, and hence the ability of its ordered phases to resist the temperature-driven deterioration into a disordered mixture exclusively promoted by configurational-entropy.

Type: number

Units: Kelvin

Example: entropic_temperature=1072.1

Request syntax: $aurl/?entropic_temperature


  • files

Description: Provides access to the input and output les used in the simulation (provenance data).

Type: List of strings separated by “,”

Example: files=Bi_dRh_pv.33.cif,Bi_dRh_pv.33.png,CONTCAR.relax,CONTCAR.relax1…,



Request syntax: $aurl/?files

Description: Once the “files” list has been parsed, each file can be accessed with $aurl/file (note no “?” for accessing individual files).


  • forces

Description: Final quantum mechanical forces (Fi; Fj; Fk) in the notation of the code.

Type: Triplets (number,number,number) separated by “;” for each atom in the unit cell

Units: Natural units of the $code, e.g., eV/Å or a.u. if the calculations were performed with VASP or QE, respectively.

Example: forces=0,-0.023928,0.000197;0,0.023928,-0.000197;…

Request syntax: $aurl/?forces


  • geometry

Description: Returns geometrical data describing the unit cell in the usual $a,b,c,\alpha,\beta,\gamma$ notation, where $\alpha\equiv\widehat{\{\vec{b},\vec{c}\}}, \beta\equiv\widehat{\{\vec{c},\vec{a}\}}, \gamma\equiv\widehat{\{\vec{a},\vec{b}\}}$.

Type: Sixtuplet (number,number,number,number,number,number)

Units: a, b, c are the natural units of the $code, e.g., Å or a.u. (Bohr) if the calculations were performed with VASP or QE, respectively. α, β, γ are in degrees.

Example: geometry=18.82,18.82,18.82,32.41,32.41,32.41

Request syntax: $aurl/?geometry


  • lattice_system_orig

Description: Return the lattice system9)10) and lattice variation (Brillouin zone) of the original-unrelaxed structure before the calculation. See references11)12) for the lattice variation and Brillouin zones notations.

Type: string

Example: lattice_system_orig=rhombohedral

Request syntax: $aurl/?lattice_system_orig


  • lattice_variation_orig

Description: Return the lattice system13)14) and lattice variation (Brillouin zone) of the original-unrelaxed structure before the calculation. See references15)16) for the lattice variation and Brillouin zones notations.

Type: string

Example: lattice_variation_orig=RHL1

Request syntax: $aurl/?lattice_variation_orig


  • lattice_system_relax

Description: Return the lattice system17)18) and lattice variation (Brillouin zone) of the relaxed structure after the calculation. See references19)20) for the lattice variation and Brillouin zones notations.

Type: string

Example: lattice_system_relax=monoclinic

Request syntax: $aurl/?lattice_system_relax


  • lattice_variation_relax

Description: Return the lattice system21)22) and lattice variation (Brillouin zone) of the relaxed structure after the calculation. See references23)24) for the lattice variation and Brillouin zones notations.

Type: string

Example: lattice_variation_relax=MCLC1

Request syntax: $aurl/?lattice_variation_relax


  • kpoints

Description: Set of k-point meshes uniquely identifying the various steps of the calculations, e.g. relaxation, static and electronic band structure (specifying the k-space symmetry points of the structure).

Type: Set of numbers and strings separated by “,” and “;”

Example: kpoints=10,10,10;16,16,16;G-X-W-K-G-L-U-W-L-K+U-X

Request syntax: $aurl/?kpoints


  • ldau_TLUJ

Description: This vector of numbers contains the parameters of the “DFT+U” calculations, based on a corrective functional inspired by the Hubbard model25)26). See references for the standard values in the library27)28). There are four fields (T;{L};{U};{J}), separated by “;”. The first field indicates the type (T) of the DFT+U corrections: type=1, the rotationally invariant version introduced by Liechtenstein et al.29); type=2, the simplified rotationally invariant version introduced by Dudarev et al.30). The second field indicates the l-quantum number ({L}, one number for each species separated by “,”) for which the on-site interaction is added (-1=neglected, 0=$s$, 1=$p$, 2=$d$, 3=$f$). The third field lists the effective on-site Coulomb interaction parameters ({U}, one number for each species separated by “,”). The fourth field species the effective on-site exchange interaction parameters ({J}, one number for each species separated by “,”). Although more compact, the convention is similar to the VASP notation31).

Units: a-dimensional; {adimensional}; {eV}; {eV}

Type: number;{number $\cdots$};{number $\cdots$}{number $\cdots$}

Example: ldau_TLUJ=2;2,0,0;5,0,0;0,0,0

Request syntax: $aurl/?ldau_TLUJ


  • natoms

Description: Returns the number of atoms in the unit cell of the structure entry. The number can be non integer if partial occupation is considered within appropriate approximations.

Type: number

Example: natoms=12

Request syntax: $aurl/?natoms


  • nbondxx

Description: Nearest neighbors bond lengths of the relaxed structure per ordered set of species $A_i,A_{j\ge i}$. For pure systems: $\left\{\rho\left[AA\right]\right\}$; for binaries: $\left\{\rho\left[AA\right], \rho\left[AB\right], \rho\left[BB\right]\right\}$; for ternaries: $\left\{\rho\left[AA\right], \rho\left[AB\right], \rho\left[AC\right], \rho\left[BB\right], \rho\left[BC\right], \rho\left[CC\right]\right\}$ and so on.

Type: Set of $N_{species}(N_{species}+1)/2$ numbers

Units: Natural units of the $code, e.g., Å or a.u. (Bohr) if the calculations were performed with VASP or QE, respectively.

Example: nbondxx=1.2599,1.0911,1.0911,1.7818,1.2599,1.7818 (for a three species entry)

Request syntax: $aurl/?nbondxx


  • nspecies

Description: Returns the number of species in the system (e.g., binary = 2, ternary = 3, etc.).

Type: number

Example: nspecies=3

Request syntax: $aurl/?nspecies


  • Pearson_symbol_orig

Description: Returns the Pearson symbol32)33) of the original-unrelaxed structure before the calculation.

Type: string

Example: Pearson_symbol_orig=mS32

Request syntax: $aurl/?Pearson_symbol_orig

Tolerance: See discussion about tolerances in entry Bravais_lattice_orig.


  • Pearson_symbol_relax

Description: Returns the Pearson symbol34)35) of the relaxed structure after the calculation.

Type: string

Example: Pearson_symbol_relax=mS32

Request syntax: $aurl/?Pearson_symbol_relax

Tolerance: See discussion about tolerances in entry Bravais_lattice_orig.


  • positions_cartesian

Description: Final Cartesian positions $(x_i,x_j,x_k)$ in the notation of the code.

Type: Triplets (number,number,number) separated by “;” for each atom in the unit cell

Units: Natural units of the code, e.g., in Cartesian coordinates (Ä) if the calculations were performed with {\small VASP}36).

Example: positions_cartesian=0,0,0;18.18438,0,2.85027;…

Request syntax: $aurl/?positions_cartesian


  • positions_fractional

Description: Final fractional positions $(x_i,x_j,x_k)$ with respect to the unit cell as specified in $geometry.

Type: Triplets (number,number,number) separated by “;” for each atom in the unit cell

Example: positions_fractional=0,0,0;0.25,0.25,0.25;…

Request syntax: $aurl/?positions_fractional


  • pressure

Description: Returns the external pressure selected for the simulation.

Type: number

Units: Natural units of the $code, e.g., kbar or a.u. (Ry/Bohr) if the calculations were performed with VASP or QE, respectively.

Example: pressure=10.0

Request syntax: $aurl/?pressure


  • prototype

Description: Returns the AFLOW unrelaxed prototype which was used for the calculation. The list can be accessed with the command \aflow --protos or by consulting the online links. The options are illustrated in the AFLOW manual37). Note that during the calculation, unstable structures can deform and lead to different relaxed configurations. It is thus imperative for the user to make an elaborate analysis of the final structure to pinpoint the right prototype to report. Differences in Bravais lattices, Pearson symbol, space groups, for the _orig and _relax versions are extremely useful for this task.

Type: string

Example: prototype=T0001.A2BC

Request syntax: $aurl/?prototype

Tolerance: See discussion about tolerances in entry Bravais_lattice_orig.


  • PV_cell

Description: Pressure multiplied by volume of the unit cell.

Type: number

Units: Natural units of the $code, e.g., eV or Ry (eV/atom or Ry/atom) if the calculations were performed with VASP or QE, respectively.

Example: PV_cell=12.13

Request syntax: $aurl/?PV_cell


  • PV_atom

Description: Pressure multiplied by volume of the atom.

Type: number

Units: Natural units of the $code, e.g., eV or Ry (eV/atom or Ry/atom) if the calculations were performed with VASP or QE, respectively.

Example: PV_atom=3.03

Request syntax: $aurl/?PV_atom


  • scintillation_attenuation_length

Description: Returns the scintillation attenuation length of the compound in cm38)39).

Type: real number

Example: scintillation_attenuation_length=2.21895

Request syntax: $aurl/?scintillation_attenuation_length

sg (sg2)

  • sg (sg2)

Description: Evolution of the space group of the compound40)41). The first, second and third string represent space group name/number before the first, after the first, and after the last relaxation of the calculation.

Tolerance: sg values are calculated with 3.0% and 0.5 deg tolerances for lengths and angles, respectively. (sg2 is with 1.5% and 0.25 deg). Symmetry is cross validated through the internal engines of AFLOW, PLATON, and FINDSYM.

Type: Triplet string,string,string

Example: sg=Fm-3m#225,Fm-3m#225,Fm-3m#225 (sg2=R-3c #167,R-3c #167,R-3c #167)

Request syntax: $aurl/?sg ($aurl/?sg2)


  • spacegroup_orig

Description: Returns the spacegroup number42) of the original-unrelaxed structure before the calculation.

Tolerance: Same as sg.

Type: number

Example: spacegroup_orig=225

Request syntax: $aurl/?spacegroup_orig


  • spacegroup_relax

Description: Returns the spacegroup number43) of the relaxed structure after the calculation.

Tolerance: Same as sg.

Type: number

Example: spacegroup_relax=225

Request syntax: $aurl/?spacegroup_relax


  • species

Description: Species of the atoms.

Type: List of strings separated by “,”

Example: species=Y,Zn,Zr,

Request syntax: $aurl/?species


  • species_pp

Description: Pseudopotentials species.

Type: List of strings separated by “,”

Example: species_pp=Y_sv,Zn,Zr_sv,

Request syntax: $aurl/?species_pp


  • species_pp_version

Description: Pseudopotential versions.

Type: List of strings separated by “,”

Example: species_pp_version=Y_sv:PAW_PBE:06Sep2000,Zn:PAW_PBE:06Sep2000,Zr_sv:PAW_PBE:07Sep2000

Request syntax: $aurl/?species_pp_version


  • spin_cell

Description: For spin polarized calculations, the total magnetization of the cell.

Type: number

Units: Natural units of the $code, e.g., $\mu_B$ (Bohr magneton).

Example: spin_cell=2.16419

Request syntax: $aurl/?spin_cell


  • spin_atom

Description: For spin polarized calculations, the total magnetization per atom.

Type: number

Units: Natural units of the $code, e.g., $\mu_B$ (Bohr magneton).

Example: spin_atom=0.541046

Request syntax: $aurl/?spin_atom


  • spinD

Description: For spin polarized calculations, the spin decomposition over the atoms of the cell.

Type: List of numbers separated by “,”

Units: Natural units of the $code, e.g., $\mu_B$ (Bohr magneton).

Example: spinD=0.236,0.236,-0.023,1.005

Request syntax: $aurl/?spinD


  • spinD_magmom_orig

Description: For spin polarized calculations, string containing the values used to initialize the magnetic state for the ab initio calculation.

Type: String containing the instruction passed to the ab initio code with spaces substituted by “_”

Units: Natural units of the $code.

Example: spinD_magmom_orig=+5_-5_+5_-5

Request syntax: $aurl/?spinD_magmom_orig


  • spinF

Description: For spin polarized calculations, the magnetization of the cell at the Fermi level.

Type: number

Units: Natural units of the $code, e.g., $\mu_B$ (Bohr magneton).

Example: spinF=0.410879

Request syntax: $aurl/?spinF


  • stoichiometry

Description: Similar to composition, returns a comma delimited stoichiometry description of the structure entry in the calculated cell.

Type: List of number separated by “,”

Example: stoichiometry=0.5,0.25,0.25

Request syntax: $aurl/?stoichiometry


  • valence_cell_std

Description: Returns standard valence44).

Type: number

Example: valence_cell_std=22

Request syntax: $aurl/?valence_cell_std


  • valence_cell_iupac

Description: Returns IUPAC valence, the maximum number of univalent atoms that may combine with the atoms45).

Type: number

Example: valence_cell_iupac=12

Request syntax: $aurl/?valence_cell_iupac


  • volume_cell

Description: Returns the volume of the unit cell (per atom in the unit cell).

Type: number

Units: Natural units of the $code, e.g., Å3 or Bohr33/atom or Bohr3/atom) if the calculations were performed with VASP or QE, respectively.

Example: volume_cell=100.984

Request syntax: $aurl/?volume_cell


  • volume_atom

Description: Returns the volume of the unit cell (per atom in the unit cell).

Type: number

Units: Natural units of the $code, e.g., Å3 or Bohr33/atom or Bohr3/atom) if the calculations were performed with VASP or QE, respectively.

Example: volume_atom=25.2461

Request syntax: $aurl/?volume_atom

documentation/all_keywords.1427481630.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/03/27 14:40 by allison